Thursday, April 4, 2019

Influence of globalization on the flexibility and sustainability of natural resources

Unviable harvesting as well as hunting, catching, fishing and sorting, is one of the major threats to biodiversity. However, no prior valuation has examined that which areas are most exposed to this danger worldwide
A team of scientists has identified regions under high-intensity danger from commercial harvesting of species. On land, high-risk regions occur across all continents but are mainly concentrated in Asia and North and South America. At sea, high-risk regions are mostly focused on Asian seas.
Material flows such as food trade allow human societies to depend on natural resources available both locally and in other regions of the planet. Thus, in a globalized world, many pools of the same resource are often harvested by numerous users through a network of communications.

 It is not clear to what extent the interconnectedness, structure, and modularity of such a network may affect the flexibility of the system. Here, we develop a theoretical structure to investigate the impact of globalization on the feasible use of natural resources for food production. We find that the resilience of the system may either increase or decrease with the network’s interconnectedness and modularity, depending on the network structure. Global food trade displays a varied structure and its resilience is decreasing with the increase in connectivity of the past few years.
There is a serious necessity to increase and effectively achieve protected areas in these hotspots, together with broad-scale policies to hold unsustainable fisheries, logging, and hunting". Behind such efforts there is the need for awareness-raising to decrease demand for vulnerable species, enhanced implementation of protective laws and strengthening the Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.